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Chester - September 12th, 2010 2:27 PM

Can over masturbation affect fertility?

olivia - September 13th, 2010 3:01 AM

if you do it often then it can decrease sperm count when it counts, ie ovulation. the ups (pun intended) of masturbating not frequently but regularly is that it improves sperm quality. but you also only produce sperm every 3-5 days or so.

So, if you jack off frequently or have sex frequently before ovulation then you could have fewer chances during the moments it counts. (pun intended again)

PrinceLeonard - September 13th, 2010 5:19 PM

How often? Yes, it is!

mountaindew - September 13th, 2010 5:30 PM

Masturbating is not abnormal.It's a normal part of human sexuality. However, if it affects your schedule or your mental and physical activities, then it's more than normal.

Lainie - September 15th, 2010 3:54 AM


Anyway, yeah I heard that it improves sperm quality and makes the testicles produce more sperm. So over all it is good.

However when TTC, save it for the moments that sperm is really needed. When it comes to sperm, numbers are important.

Christian - September 16th, 2010 12:49 PM

according to a researcher that it is normal to have a masturbation but if it is done in an extra ordinarily times, then it is not advisable for it can cause bad effect to the brain.

Vivien - September 16th, 2010 1:12 PM

once would be enough, but the truth is that masturbation sets up for more masturbation. It is a counter productive to a good action.

Whena - September 16th, 2010 1:17 PM

It must be done in a rightful manner. As it was informed that masturbation needs to use a great concentration in order to reach the climax. the tendency is after this the brain might be affected.

Yuhanne - September 16th, 2010 1:23 PM

It is better to make masturbation than to make sex with unknown woman or do some sexual harassment.But it should be done in the rightful action.

BabeJohnson - September 17th, 2010 4:30 PM

the keyword here people is OVER.

Remember that anything that is abused will have negative consequences. So dont overdo the masturbation or else your going to be lacking during show time... =)

To Wheana: Say what!!! how can the brain be affected???????

Fhina - September 18th, 2010 12:52 PM

Yes, i think it does affect infertility. That's why better not do it more often.


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