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Christy - October 5th, 2010 11:58 AM

I think my bf is impotent, because it's our 3yrs of having into serious relationship and we had sex already. Not to mention we had unprotected sex for a couple of time..but I did not get pregnant. I had my fertility test, so I know I don't have any problems. My bf would not accept the fact that probably it's him who has a problem. He has bad lifestyles..that's why it make me think he had problems of infertility. Is it possible, Dont' you think I'm right?

Kenji - October 5th, 2010 4:11 PM

Impotent means that he can't get it up. But since you've had sex, then i guess impotence is not the problem.

Lifestyle choices esepcially stress and cigarette smoking can cause sperm issues. Convince your BF to have a check up to see if he is OK in this area.

BTW, are you ready to have kids? you mentioned BF, not that you need to be married to become parents... its none of my business.... so just forget this last part...

kissybusymissy - October 6th, 2010 3:41 AM

Smoking, alcohol & drugs can certainly have very bad effects on his sperm production. If he doesn't want a checkup, perhaps he can give up his bad lifestyle and then you can try to have a baby while he's "clean".

Dominic - October 7th, 2010 8:55 AM

Make your boyfriend decide on something. If he really loves you, then he should try to be a real man..there is nothing wrong if he will have infertility test, if he really has problem of infertility, then he will be given proper treatment and solution to your problem. Then, you all be happy.

Orion_99 - October 8th, 2010 3:25 AM

I would say ditch the BF but you probably have "feelings" for him. Perhaps you can use these "feelings" to convince him to sober up and then It hink that the both of you should get tests.

BTW, how old are you and your BF?

Christy - October 8th, 2010 12:23 PM

I'm 30 and he's already 35. Thanks for the advised. But your are right I do have feelings for him and I'm so in love with my boyfriend. So, it's really not easy for me to ditch him just like that. Getting both a test is good but the problem is, it's so hard for me to convince him have his test.

geraldine - October 10th, 2010 2:08 AM

it's really not easy to detect male infertility causes because some are really undetectable.


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