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Japeth - August 20th, 2010 12:21 PM

Hello, I'm a student and I had an aunt who is fond of believing lots of rituals which really pissing me off. My sister is conceiving and shes on her 2nd month of pregnancy, and my aunt insist her to performed some preconception rituals to assure that she could have a healthy baby,and a healthy pregnancy. Though my sister hated it also but she has no choice but to follow because she's afraid that if she will not follow, she will suffer something sort of a bad luck...At present and modern time, there is no way that these kinds of rituals are for real right? Can anybody share some insights plz?

LouieG - August 20th, 2010 6:43 PM

Well... "preconception" means before conception. Meaning no baby yet.

Since your sister is already with child, I don't see what your aunt is worried about. So long as your sister visits her OB for her prenatal care, your neice/nephew should be OK.

Nikki - August 22nd, 2010 3:05 AM

what sort of rituals are you talking about? So long as they have sex on her ovulation period, these sorts of rituals are not needed.

However if you mean rituals like charting, taking BBT or eating a balanced diet then these sorts of rituals are ok.

Howardy - August 24th, 2010 10:54 PM

We should not forget that our elders can still give us useful advice that we must be done to our lives. We must not forget that without them we are ignorant in this world. So to their some advices, like ritual we should follow unless it can cause us harm but if we think that it can help us then, follow them with respect.

candyKane - August 25th, 2010 3:43 AM

Yeah... Im also curious as to these "rituals". Please post!

5101520 - August 26th, 2010 3:42 AM

maybe putting on some garlic necklace or dancing outside in the full moon!

You know, conventional science is better than rituals. Besides, she's pregnant already so what's the point?

Georgette - August 26th, 2010 2:43 PM

Rituals may not be disregarded. This can be the guide of how to do the things that should be done. If our elders are no longer here, then who do you think would teach us. We are very thankful that they are still in our lives.

Lainie - August 27th, 2010 3:49 AM

To Georgette: And what rituals are these? Please share...


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