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helen22 - December 24th, 2010 11:21 AM

I wonder if you might help. I am 30 years old, healthy I have a 28-29 day menstrual cycle, I have an understanding partner have been trying to conceive for the last 2 months.
The first month- I experienced bloating and night-sweats after ovulation- then menstruated on day 28.
I felt that maybe I had a progesterone problem and have started taking agnus castus, flaxseed and vitamin supplements.

This month, I have had thrush, slightly less bloating following ovulation- followed by migraines just prior to menstruating again on day 29.
I feel that these two menstrual cycles may have been chemical pregnancies- which makes me terrified.

When my menstruation occurs- it is usually very dark red/ brown for the first 24 hours followed by heavy bright red bleeding with small dark red clots for the next 24 hours
(during which time I feel very sad, depressed, confused) and then lighter bleeding for another 24 hours.
I am reading about fibroids, hysterectomies- problems with my uterus- general infertility-
I feel quite lost and confused.
Please if you are able to offer any advice then I would be really grateful.
Thanks, Helen

lewisabigail16 - January 27th, 2011 6:42 PM

sounds to me that you are actually very stressed out right now. I suggest you avoid reading about those that upset you since it's really not helping.

it would be better if you consulted an expert about this rather than self-medicating


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