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Lizzy86 - November 18th, 2010 2:45 PM

Me and my partner de ides we wanted to try for a baby but I had 4 days left on the "pill" but we went away for the weekend and I forgot to take these as I read it's always best to finish the cycle. My period then came on Monday 15th when am not usually due on till 20th. So does this mean I will come on the 15th each month? And when would be right date to try and get pregnant??

Any help would be appreciated

jonessamantha25 - January 28th, 2011 5:18 PM

That's something that I'd like to know about too. My cycle is irregular too and I don't even count the days like most women do.

K3lly - February 4th, 2011 1:16 AM

hi guys, you may please refer to,this is a program that calculates the time of ovulation and generates your personal fertility calendar


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