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diamond - March 28th, 2011 12:00 AM


I want to believe that I'm not pregnant as it would be very difficult for me right now to have a baby. So, I'm seeking advice before I start panicking...

I had unprotected sex in Feb and I want to believe (!!) that we didn't have 'an accident'. I then went on a holiday and I had really bad period pains. My period is regular and it's arrives every 28-30 days. It is normally heavy and lasts for about 5-7days. While on holiday my period arrived two days late and it lasted only for 2 days. (I blamed the holiday and the fact that I went for a swim 10mins before my period arrived).

12 days later, after I had returned from my holiday I fainted - i blame the fact that I hadn't eaten much that day and that I was out dancing up until 5am (I fainted at 6am). I have never fainted before.

I had my last period on 28th Feb so it should be due any day now. I've been having period pains for the last week now and normally my breasts are swollen and painful (they are not now).

Perhaps I shouldn't worry and wait a few days to see if my period arrives, but I'm dead worried....

Thanks for reading and I hope you could give me some advice....

tAnYa - March 29th, 2011 12:42 AM

you could have saved yourself all these worries if you had just gotten a pregnancy kit...

wonderfulme - March 31st, 2011 3:35 PM

if you had unprotected sex then you should be prepared for the "accident"...LOL...

all of these spotting and fainting could be because of your lifestyle and have nothing to do with being pregnant.

All I can say is that if you dont want to get pregnant then use birth control to save yourself the worry!

kelley - April 3rd, 2011 3:22 AM

fainting is one of the sign of being pregnant, but if you want to know that you are pregnant get yourself a pregnancy test kit.

coolMOMMY - April 4th, 2011 6:19 AM

Have a pregnancy test. One of the signs that you're pregnant is morning sickness, always feeling to throw up. If someone also notices you that you've some physical changes, then possibly you're pregnant.

jekai - April 4th, 2011 6:23 AM

If you're pregnant then just be it girl. Don't be afraid of being a mom. You will realize that it feels good being a mother especially if you see your baby smiling at you.

diamond - April 4th, 2011 12:11 PM

Thank you for your messages. My period arrived a bit late but full on so I don't need to worry any more.

Best regards


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