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TechBro - April 9th, 2011 8:21 AM

I know that glutathione is used to help with liver diseases. but how can it help with infertility in women?

smiley - April 9th, 2011 12:03 PM

Glutathione helps development and growth of the fetus, maintenance of a healthy pregnancy and even before pregnancy, in fertility and conception.

lemonade - April 11th, 2011 2:57 AM

in men glutathione can improve sperm quality. i am not really too sure with women though.

99-Cassandra - April 12th, 2011 4:21 AM

Glutathione is an antioxidant in case you didn't know. Whether pregnant or not, it helps detoxify our body. That can be one of the reasons it is said to help infertility.

In most I've read, Glutathione has more beneficial effects to pregnant women. Pregnancy causes oxidative stress and lots of free radicals in a woman so taking in antioxidants and prenatal vitamins counteracts.

Folic acid helps prevent birth defects. Glutathione does that too.

Marianne5 - April 13th, 2011 2:47 AM

ahhh... so thanks for clearing that up.


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