reparing for Fertility Appointments

Couples who are experiencing difficulty getting pregnant often turn to fertility specialists to help them achieve success. And while this may be the first step towards their ultimate goal, the fertility tests involved can often feel more intimidating then rewarding, and can even be a source of embarrassment and anxiety.

In order to make the process run more smoothly, we have created a guide to help you prepare yourself for your fertility appointments, so you can make the most out of this crucial phase in your journey towards pregnancy.

Questions to Prepare Before Fertility Testing

Before your infertility treatment can begin, your specialist must first confirm the cause of your fertility problems. To do this, he will need to ask both you and your partner detailed questions about your medical history, as well as your current physical and sexual health.

Although they might seem personal or invasive, these questions are central to the overall success of the treatment you will receive, so it’s important to answer them openly and honestly. Listed below are some of the types of information you should have prepared. Unless otherwise specified, all of the topics require disclosure from both male and female partners.

  • Medical history
  • Any previous surgeries or immunizations
  • Childhood illnesses
  • Onset of puberty
  • History with pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion
  • Lifestyle (including smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs)
  • Sex life and sexual history
  • Family history of fertility and diseases
  • Insurance coverage; proof of ability to pay for tests
  • Females should have details of menstrual cycle (duration, regularity, abnormalities, etc.)

How to Prepare for Fertility Testing

Once your doctor has discussed your personal medical history with you in detail, he may have a better idea as to what is causing the problem. However, before he can prescribe a form of treatment, he must perform diagnostic fertility testing to be sure.

These tests can be confusing, but because they are so important to the overall success of the infertility treatment you receive, it’s crucial that they are performed properly. You can help with this simply by being prepared. Follow these steps before undergoing fertility testing:

  • Make sure all instructions are clear before going in for the test, especially anything you might need to do to prepare prior to the test. If you have any questions, phone and ask beforehand.
  • Follow instructions as specified.
  • Be aware that the test may need to be taken at a certain time, such as at a specific point in the menstrual cycle.
  • Find out if a ride home and/or time of work will be necessary.
  • Know what to do during the first couple of days following the test.
  • Find out if it is necessary for your partner to be at the appointment also.

To keep yourself better organized, you may also consider starting a journal for all your fertility tests. In it, you can keep track of all tests performed, as well as any instructions, questions or concerns that might arise. This will also provide a valuable resource for you at the appointment.

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