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Hearty - February 18th, 2011 2:19 AM

hard time for sperm donors

Edaeb - February 18th, 2011 3:14 AM

We posted sseveral threads started by donors (luckily most stopped by the spam filter) whos ads read like a personals listing in the back of 'The Sport', insisting that they only use NI. BnB isn't equipped to act as a middleman for something this specialist. There are forums out there (at least one that I know of) that are oriented towards providing this kind of service.

It's something that can get out of hand, and it isn't fair to add more workload

Steph - February 18th, 2011 12:28 PM

My brother need sperm donors...he has really hard times in finding the you know how and where ?

tnx for helping!

Betsky - February 18th, 2011 2:51 PM

actually there are websites that you can count on. You can research/ browse on website who does this services..Just choose the best one :D

Lora84 - February 18th, 2011 2:58 PM

yeah! it's true.. i know 1,

you can try visting sperm center where there are sperm listings and more.. jsut checked this on the internet

LusciousGoddess - February 18th, 2011 3:16 PM

Betsky is right.. anyway, you can do a lot of browsing usning the can also psot your need there, i mean a lot of service to offer. Just try!

Burei - February 19th, 2011 11:02 AM

its' hard time too, but just think for your desire ..

Jastxpc - February 19th, 2011 11:13 AM

try to research this Hearty... US SPERM DONORS - free sperm donor list.. this is realible i tell you.

starstruck - February 19th, 2011 3:07 PM

is sperm donation safe?

princess - February 19th, 2011 10:26 PM

hi everyone,

talking on safe sperm donor ? you can link on this or search on them at Safe Sperm and Egg Donation Provided by Leading Website, Pride Angel...

Godess@2011 - February 19th, 2011 11:56 PM

is this the last option?

giftedbeauty - February 20th, 2011 12:04 AM

i think so, this is the last option..

Soy.30 - February 20th, 2011 12:37 AM

for male, do you want to know your egg donor?

Betsky - February 22nd, 2011 4:41 AM

I'm confused maybe you mean sperm donor Soy.30? maybe this is due to typing ..lolz


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