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TechBro - April 15th, 2011 5:12 PM

Xenoestrogens: xenoestrogens are estrogens found in environmental chemicals and pesticides. Produce and other foods can have high levels of xenoestrogens, which, if ingested, may disturb your balance of hormones. Imbalaced hormones are often the cause of fertility issues.


so better stay away from xenoestrogens when possible.

ShyGirl - April 16th, 2011 12:13 PM

My cooking teacher advised us to soak vegetables in water with salt to take off pesticide residue. I wonder if this is enough though.

wonderfulme - April 17th, 2011 4:35 PM

to: ShyGirl

We soak vegetables in a soak solution too prior to cooking. I think this is good since salt has a lot of antiseptic properties in it.

gemma_q - April 18th, 2011 8:10 AM

I am glad that we now have organic vegetables, meat and fruits available in the market. Even though they are priced higher than the typical produce it is still better since you know you are eating really healthy food.

Zennie2011 - April 21st, 2011 2:41 PM

@ShyGirl, wonderfulme
Probably will wash off the toxins that are on the outer layer of the fruit or vegetable. The bad thing is what if the plant absorbed the chemicals? How do you wash it off? You can't, yes?

I think what gemma_q has mentioned is the better alternative. Organically grown fruits and vegetables, including meat or dairy products. Normally, who can afford it and who takes notice but the super health conscious buffs?


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