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marc_west - June 2nd, 2010 6:50 PM

just thought I would post what my partner put up in our dresser :)

1. Cervical Mucus Changes
2. Increased Sexual Desire
3. Body Basal Temperature Changes
4. Changes in Cervical Position
5. Breast Tenderness
6. Positive Result on an Ovulation Predictor Test

IvyRose - June 2nd, 2010 9:15 PM

Thanks for posting. This is helpful for me and your partner is really sweet. I will keep this list too and post it where I can always see it. Thanks again.

anna_k - June 3rd, 2010 3:46 PM

women who want to conceive at the right time should memorize this!

hahah! i think im gonna follow your partner and post this on my night stand! good one!

monique - June 5th, 2010 5:51 AM

Hello, Marc West. Kindly tell your partner thanks for the tips! I think I also try posting it as sort of reminder for me and for my partner.

Seth - June 5th, 2010 3:02 PM

I noticed that women are really particular about these kinds of stuff. My partner has an ovulation kit, bbt thermometer, pregtest kits and a whole caboodle of stuff in her night stand and in our bathroom. but its good to know that she has them :)

Stella - June 7th, 2010 3:33 PM

Cervical mucus is probably the easiest way of knowing and observing. The underwear is probably the best place to search for cervical mucus or what I usually do is to wipe my genetalia with some toilet paper.


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