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maimer - May 14th, 2010 2:57 AM

Sometimes we have to adopt the new style in making sex. Anyway you are already married then why not make love in a kind of you two are satisfied. It also help you to have conception. But both of you must agree in doing so.

Redlyn - May 14th, 2010 3:03 AM

Yes I agree with this idea, because it can give an excitement that may cause the sperm cells and the egg cells to meet faster.

Venus - May 14th, 2010 3:42 AM

there are times of which doing the style is no longer excited in doing so. And it may cause to slow the swimming of the sperm cells that they can not meet the egg cells. So why not try to explore another style!

WedZean - May 14th, 2010 3:58 AM

There's nothing wrong to explore another sexual style, but only be sure you both are happy and enjoy in doing that kind of sexual game.

anna_k - May 14th, 2010 5:25 PM

err... style? do you mean position?

cindy - May 14th, 2010 10:21 PM

Yeah! Doing a lot of new and exciting sex styles greatly help you and your husband grow more intimate with each other. It also help you to conceive if you want to have a child of your own.

Vieney - May 14th, 2010 10:35 PM

Me and my husband are doing lot of experimental styles and different sex positions. It's quite good and we build within us a kind of bonding that is so precious.Imagine were already 7 years of being married but everyday, is always been an exciting day for us. And we have 3 kids in the making..the products of our love.

tonette - May 14th, 2010 10:39 PM

Yes, sex should always be a part of any relationship. It adds more fun and excitement. Plus, it will make the couples more close with each other. Especially in planning to have a baby and building own family together.

Darling - May 16th, 2010 2:17 AM

A traditional style may just be done in an early days of marriage, Yes it is still good but there are cases of some couples which the traditional style can't make them conceive so others made their own style which they have read in an educational- sexual style story. And there... following those ... they conceive!

Jong@2x - May 16th, 2010 2:24 AM

I've known that certain cases too. And I for myself motivate my husband to imitate that certain methods and at this moment I think I am already conceiving for our 1st gift of love from our Heavenly Father after 10yrs of waiting.

Roselyn - May 21st, 2010 7:25 AM

In doing sex, it must be done in a way that the two having this are enjoyed in their own sexual style which by God's grace, they can become an instrument in creating humans.

MyAngel - May 24th, 2010 10:57 PM

Sexual positions are important, I agree that it is helpful in some cases when the woman is having a difficulty in conceiving. One example is the dog style for woman who has an inverted uterus. I have heard this from a co-worker and it is effective indeed.

__see__ - May 25th, 2010 12:02 AM

we were advised also of a sexual position that will be helpful for me to conceive. it is also a natural way of having a conception for as long as both the couple is comfortable with it.


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