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Edaeb - February 27th, 2011 1:00 AM

I'm not even really sure what to write, I just know I need to vent :(

I have a 2 year old girl, and have been TTC for 12 months. I'm on my 4th round of clomid (150mg, cd 5-9) and even though I'm only on cd 14 of this cycle, I just know it's not going to work. I'm not ovulating on my own, so I had to take provera before every round of clomid, just to induce my period.

Last cycle, on cd19 - I randomly got a period on my own. I thought "awesome! this means I ovulated on my own - yippie!" My dr just called and said I didn't ovulate. She basically said she's baffled and can't figure out what is going on with me and why I'm not ovulating.

I'm just struggling to keep hope that a second baby will ever happen for me.

Lora84 - February 27th, 2011 1:08 AM

Im sorry I have no constructive advise but I couldn't just read and run.

I have a 4 year old and have been TTC #2 for 20 months now so I know how frustrating it is.

Is your doctor a fertility specialist or a GP, if she is a GP I would defiantly be demanding referral to and FS.

Try to keep your chin up! ;)

Hearty - February 27th, 2011 1:17 AM

I have been ttc for 20 months and am on 3rd round of clomid. I also had 2 miscarriages in that time. I am to the point where I am losing hope also. I just had my fsh levels checked and they were slighlty elevated which can be why I am having problems concieving and also why I am not carrying to full term. Maybe have dr check your levels. Good luck!

Monic - February 27th, 2011 1:29 AM

Same boat here. Going on 17 months of TTC#2. I've had 2 MMC and 1 early MC. I've been to see a FS, high risk OB, Hemotologist, Rheumatologist..etc...etc...DD turns 4 years old next week, she asks me nearly every day when we can have a baby in our family.

It's so fustrating, but I know that we'll all get there. Our bodies have done it before...I KNOW that it will happen again. For me, the hardest part is letting go of the idea that my children will be close in age.

cris - February 27th, 2011 1:35 AM

I know how hard it can be ttc#2! All the thoughts that run through your mind on a day to day basis is enough to make any one go crazy! The worst thought in the world is "how come I have #1 and didn't have an issue but now I am having issues conceiving #2"! There are no answers to our questions for the most part! Hopefully it will all work out soon!

Simple84 - February 27th, 2011 1:57 AM

Yup dear im right there with you.We fell preg while i was on the pill.Our princess is now 7.Were TTC#2 for 5Years now.It gets really hard.Big hugs :)


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