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:Danica - July 4th, 2010 10:18 AM

Can a chiropractor help with fertility issues? My friends are suggesting I see one in order to correct neuro transmission in my reproductive organs.

Mikoto - July 4th, 2010 2:23 PM

I saw a chiropractor who specialized in pregnant women when I was carrying my first child. I had lower back pains and wanted a natural means of relieving it rather than taking pain pills.

Actually chiropractors can help you conceive. They will identify pinched or pressed nerves and fix them. Since our spinal column is a bundle of nerves, chiropractors can correct these nerves and increase "communication" between your brain and your reproductive organs. Once this communication system has been fixed a woman’s menstrual cycle can strengthen, the action that delivers the egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus can improve, and some cases of endometriosis can begin to reverse.

AndrewStevens - July 4th, 2010 3:27 PM

The chiropractor??? Seriously??? I go to a chiropractor for my TMJ.

I have to ask if he is an expert in fertility though. But this is affordable so it's good news! thanks Mikoto!

joanne - July 5th, 2010 12:45 PM

I've heard that this is one of the most popular alternative therapies available. And this really helps a lot about infertility issues.

JOI:) - July 7th, 2010 3:20 AM

this is cool! And you're right chiropractors are not that expensive. Thanks for this tip! I will now search online for more info and then ask for recommendations from my family for a good chiropractor in our area! Thanks again!!!

Arnielz - July 7th, 2010 11:44 AM

I've heard this already but at first I was hesitant to take heed the advice because I would like to have an evidence in doing such things,but then as my sister tried it, then at this time I don't have a doubt that this can really works.

Mikoto - July 8th, 2010 3:44 AM

Let me stress that you need to see one that specializes in fertility problems. There are a lot of chiropractors out there but just like any other branch of healing there are those who specialize in certain areas.

Good luck!

Kimberly - July 11th, 2010 2:15 PM

I would like to try this out. It is intriguing isn't it. A chiro appointment does not take long. Plus it is affordable compared to other treatments like IUI or IVF. I think I am going to do some research and see a chiropractor specializing in fertility like you suggested Mikoto! thanks!


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