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raquel_q - July 18th, 2010 7:34 PM

"The sperm count of an average American male compared to thirty years ago is down thirty percent."

OMG... this contributes to infertility overall.

connie_m - July 19th, 2010 2:37 AM

This is why 4 in 10 couples have problems in fertility with the male counterparts sited as having the fertility issues. In the clinic where we go to, there are always men having sperm count, counseling etc.

Seems like fertility is not just a female issue anymore.

marc_west - July 19th, 2010 8:29 AM

so now guys have less sperm than their fathers and grandfathers? no wonder we are having fertility issues.

:Danica - July 19th, 2010 11:08 AM

So what's it gonna be another 30 years from now! And maybe in the future it's gonna be zero. Strengthen up boys! We need your sperm!

BabyRuth - July 19th, 2010 3:12 PM

And then mankind will become extinct due to decreased sperm count of the males... ahahahah! then we become mutants because i have heard of artificial eggs and sperms made from stem cells! yikes!

NadineChoo - August 21st, 2010 4:47 PM

Male infertility is quite common. In couples having problems conceiving there is almost always a 48% chance that the guy has sperm problems.

nemecio - August 25th, 2010 10:33 PM

the sperm fact is this that the sperm has three main parts: the head, the middlepiece, and the tail. the head contains the nucleus and the acrosome. the acrosome is an organelle at the tip of the sperm. It helps the sperm penetrate the egg. it contains the sperm enzyme lysin and hyaluronidase which are important for sperm penetration. the middlepiece contains mitochondria.

E.lga - February 7th, 2011 1:03 PM

this is true! as many knows that today's era has big difference than the older times. Many factors affecting this infertility today.


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