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Marriz - May 29th, 2010 10:52 PM

As a person, I understand why my husband is not agreeable with the surgical way of facilitating fertilization but if it is the only way for us to have a baby then it is fine with me. My husband is having a low sperm count and he is not giving in to ICSI because he feels useless if we do that. I don't know what to do...

lucy - May 29th, 2010 11:46 PM

well your husband may have a strong reason for such decision. we can't really force a person on doing something that he thinks would impair his humanity. just take your time and respect his decision for now.

*-jen-* - May 31st, 2010 10:31 PM

but if you are already in the desperate situation you can decide to grab every thin opportunity just to have that dream. maybe your husband is still not in such position yet.

Lorainne_O - June 1st, 2010 3:17 PM

maybe he wants to exhaust everything before you actually try it. surgery can be expensive and if there are other ways of doing it and saving money at the same time, then it would be better for everybody.

candyKane - July 3rd, 2010 5:14 PM

So have you convinced your husband yet? It should be a mutual decicsion. I understand why he would hesitate for surgery, because it is not guaranteed anyways and it can be expensive. anyway, good luck to you both!

Sarah_P - July 4th, 2010 1:51 PM

Maybe your husband would be more comfortable with artificial insemenation. All he needs to do is to give some of his sperm like he would during a sperm analysis. This is then washed and then injected into your womb when you are ovulating. This way it is less invasive for him.

5101520 - July 11th, 2010 4:08 PM

Guys are big macho babies. They are softies inside despite their toughie exterior. You need to hold their hands all the time. Open communication is the key. Lots of guys give up their male prides to satisfy their partners so maybe he just needs some convincing on ur part.


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