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SK8 - September 17th, 2010 2:17 AM

please explain what natural cycle ivf is...

Kimberly - September 17th, 2010 3:20 PM

perhaps this is done following the womans regular menstrual cycle instead of pumping her with drugs to stimulate hormones?

Susiet - September 17th, 2010 9:56 PM

Well, for my own understanding. Natural cycle more on the process of having the woman's monthly cycle comes naturally without giving her too much medication that can cause side effects after treatment.

5101520 - September 18th, 2010 3:18 AM

"Natural cycle IVF involves collecting and fertilising the one egg that you release during your normal monthly cycle. No fertility drugs are used in this treatment."

I got that from hfeadotgovdotuk.

This is good alternative if you dont want to be overstimulated with hormones and since you only fertilize one egg, then you dont risk multiple birth. There is also no need to take fertility drugs!

denise - September 18th, 2010 1:32 PM

Sounds too simple..but actually, it's not. it's hard to have natural cycle IVF.

candyKane - September 19th, 2010 3:50 AM

I have had 3 cycles of this but still no success. This is why I am looking to the normal IVF.

But it was a good experience even not successful because my body did not go through a lot of changes and strain during the whole cycle.

Orion_99 - September 19th, 2010 5:20 PM

ahhh... this is good. Fertility treatments without the drugs are good!

My poor wife has to endure injections, blood tests and the like just to get pregnant. At least with this procedure, it sounds like it is more wife friendly!

Fhina - October 7th, 2010 10:51 AM

Natural cycle ivf involves collecting and fertilizing the one egg that a woman release during her normal monthly cycle. And there is no fertility drugs are used in this treatment.

Guinevere - October 8th, 2010 3:39 AM

I alternate my IVF cycles with normal way and natural cycle. This way I dont get too much stress with the treatments.

scales - October 11th, 2010 3:56 AM

We are exploring this as it is drug free and easier on my partner. Perhaps for the next cycle we will opt for this one.

jedimaster745 - October 23rd, 2010 3:27 AM

drug free is good. but the one with drugs is also good.

what I mean to say is that its good that the body does not suffer so much with natural IVF, but with normal IVF (with drugs) you get more chances of getting pregnant.


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