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Kainye - October 22nd, 2010 1:33 PM

TTC journey can be a devastating experience. The internet doesn't make it easier as well, as you find contradiction information at different sites, which leads to confusion on what to do. I think the best advice on TTC is from your doctor, other mothers and women who has been through the TTC experience. However, the best thing is to relax and enjoy sex with your partner all through your cycle. Do not make sex a baby-making thing only, cos that will stress you out and stress affects conception as well. Since its natural for a woman to get pregnant when she is ovulating and there is a healthy sperm, nature will take its full course sometime.

joanne - October 23rd, 2010 9:54 AM

Yes, I do agree. Nothing can give you the best advice you need..only the experts.

jinky - October 24th, 2010 12:25 AM

Thanks for the tip Kainye. Very much appreciated!

SmartAlex - October 24th, 2010 3:08 AM

yes it is devastating if it is unsuccessful but it is a risk you have to take into consideration.

i would rather risk my feelings rather than not try.

heatherlyn - October 24th, 2010 11:30 AM

Yes, I agree. All things need to be experience and the best experience every women needs to take is being pregnant then, become a mother. It's really a risks but you will not love and enjoy every moment of it if you don't have the courage to try.

Fred_Flintstone - October 25th, 2010 3:21 AM

I too would like to try than just surrender automatically. Just because they say you have problems does not mean to say that there are no solutions or that there is no hope.

There is only no hope if you say so.

josephc57 - October 27th, 2010 3:08 AM

TTC is an emotionally and physically exhausting state. If you are not strong enough to withstand the disapointment, then there are other ways to have kids like adoption.

geraldine - October 27th, 2010 11:58 PM

I think you need to leave it up to God. Trying to conceive, needs for you to be open in whatever result it would have. May it's a good one or a bad one.

Ysah - October 28th, 2010 12:01 AM

Yes, I agree. following the will of God is important..if it's your time to conceive or not God is the one who knows best..and he is the best than any Doctors you've known.


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