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Roslyn - March 31st, 2011 2:34 AM

did you use birth control before trying to get pregnant? once you stopped did you get pregnant right away?

IAMToni - March 31st, 2011 3:32 PM

we were on the pill for around 4 years before we decided to have kids. it did not happen immediately upon stopping and I did get worried for while after around 6 months of trying we were able to conceive. the second time around it took longer because I was already 35 when we decided to try again. It took almost a year before I was able to get pregnant. But the good news is that it was all done naturally for us.

ShyGirl - April 2nd, 2011 2:13 AM

yes. aside from bcp we also used condoms when we were single.

i got pregnant right away the first time since we tried immediately after we got married and I was 28 when i got pregnant with my first. i am now 38 and looking to have a second child.


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