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candyKane - September 19th, 2010 4:00 PM

Can long term anorexia cause a woman to become infertile?

helen - September 19th, 2010 10:31 PM

Yes, it can because of suffering such a thing like will experience some abnormalities on your body and one of it is becoming infertile.

sally - September 19th, 2010 10:34 PM

JUst consult this thing to a doctor to know the real answer. Because as of now, i really don't know and have no one to refer it too.Sorry..

xXxNANxXx - September 20th, 2010 4:51 AM

Yes. If you are anorexic, all your hormone levels are screwed up. Not to mention that you're probably malnourished making your body unhealthy to bear a child!

The same is true for bulemic and overweight women.

heatherlyn - October 2nd, 2010 5:26 AM

Being anorexic or bulimic can both cause a woman to be infertile. That's why immediate treatment is necessary to avoid such serious problem of infertility to happen.

joanne - October 3rd, 2010 9:25 AM

Probably, because your body become so malnourished already and you are prone to lots of health problems including infertility.

Fred_Flintstone - October 9th, 2010 3:57 AM

Yes. Anorexia, bulemia and even obesity can have impact on fertility. So dont be too fat and dont be too thin. Be just the right weight.

Hope4Ever - October 13th, 2010 3:59 AM

its not just obese women that have problems. anything extreme will likely have conseqences to the body!

Sarah - October 14th, 2010 3:57 AM

Yes, that's why we need to take care of our body..this is God's gift and anything more or less..we are the one who will be suffering and one of that is the possibility of being infertile.

xXxNANxXx - October 23rd, 2010 3:07 AM

women with anorexia are usually women with fluctuating hormone levels in their bodies. this is why they have a hard time getting pregnant. they usually have ovulation problems too, similar to women who are overweight.


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